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+44 (0) 7836 332 802
La Stone Therapy
Stone massage

La Stone Therapy is the contemporary approach to thermo therapy. Alternating hot and cold temperature to the body has a therapeutic effect that goes beyond measure.The Physiological benefits of this have long been scientifically proven. Hot basalt and chilled marble stones delivery the thermodynamics, This unique technique exercises the circulatory system to assist the body in self healing. La Stone Therapy produces deep relaxation and energizing responses,whilst balancing the mind,body and spirit. La Stone massage balances the body. Warmed volcanic rocks and subtle cooled marble stones massages away life tensions and draw you into a truly deep state of meditative relaxation like you have never experience before. Stones are placed into an electric slow-cooker or a purpose-built device which is filled with water. The water is typically heated to 30-35 degrees Celsius (122-127 degrees Fahrenheit). Once the stones have heated sufficiently, some are placed onto specific points on the body (such as the back, hands, etc.) and others are held by the massage therapist and used to work the muscles. Certain styles of stone massage also incorporate chilled stones into the routine. These stones are usually marble, and are placed into a bowl of iced water before use

60 MIN
  • Provides deeper level of healing .
  • Stimulate circulation through temperature.
  • Body balance delivered through the Stone.
  • Strengthens the Immune system.
  • Uplifts mind and spirit.
  • Unique and Original therapy.
90 MIN
  • Provides deeper level of healing .
  • Stimulate circulation through temperature.
  • Body balance delivered through the Stone.
  • Strengthens the Immune system.
  • Uplifts mind and spirit.
  • Unique and Original therapy.
60 X 6
  • Provides deeper level of healing .
  • Stimulate circulation through temperature.
  • Body balance delivered through the Stone.
  • Strengthens the Immune system.
  • Uplifts mind and spirit.
  • Unique and Original therapy.
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